Ava Jovaag is a junior at Austin High School. She participates in Youth Leadership,Austin ... Learn More

Ava Jovaag
About Me
Ava Jovaag is a junior at Austin High School. She participates in Youth Leadership,Austin Packer Girls Tennis, Concert Choir, Go Green Club, and Austinaires. Ava alsois a member of DECA and has attended the state conference her freshman andsophomore years. She is Student Council Vice President for the second year in a rowand has been involved in student council since 3rdgrade. Over the summer, sheattended the MMEA All-State Choir Camp and sang in the Soprano-Alto Choir.Outside of school, she maintains her job at Culvers and works in the nursery at OurSaviors Lutheran Church. During whatever free time she can find, she enjoysspending time with family and friends, and attending school sporting events.Though she doesn’t know what she wants to do in the future, she has plans toattend a four-year school out of state.